Moment deranged robber threatens shopkeeper with hammer during robbery at London post office
CCTV footage shows one deranged robber leaping over the counter, demanding the 36-year-old woman working in the shop “open the f***ing till” as she screams in fear. The second thief can be seen reaching for the cash from the till.

“Open the till”: CCTV of one of the robbers at the post office in north-east London ( ES local feed )
“All I can see is a hammer to my face and hearing the man shouting at me, that’s all I can remember, that’s all I can see,” the woman said. “It just happened so fast.” Her husband, Golam Sarwar, said his wife was “traumatised” and had been left too scared to return to work — adding that he thought the raiders escaped with up to £9,000 in cash. He said: “My wife was traumatised, absolutely stressed and scared.
The 40-year-old, who has run the post office for almost four years, said he thought the robbery had been planned in advance.
“They were in and out, taking with them all they could,” he said. “I’m not worried about them coming back … I’m not scared of them. We shut the shop after that day but we are now open.
“It was planned … one came straight towards the counter while the other one went to the side door forcing my wife to open it. They knew what they were doing.”
Police said anyone with information should call Loughton CID quoting crime reference 42/793/19 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.